Wednesday, January 30, 2013

500 Miles/Titanium

I think I already mentioned that I love the music from Pitch Perfect and this song is also really great, although it isn't in full in the movie. How fun is this mash-up of 500 miles and Titanium?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Mmm Pasta

How great is it that you can cook pasta in the microwave?! So much more handy than having to get a pot of water boiling on the stove and wait for the pasta to cook. And especially if you're only making one serving, like me :)

It's been forever but here again is Mug Monday:

Pesto Pasta

1 serving of your favorite pasta
Enough water to cover the pasta
Dash salt
1-1 1/2 Tablespoon pesto (to taste)
One slice of tomato
Mozzarella cheese (I use string cheese and chop one of them)

Pour water over pasta in a mug and add salt. Cook in microwave until pasta is tender (my microwave isn't very powerful and it takes about 7 minutes for rotini). 

While pasta is cooking, chop up the tomato and cheese. When pasta is fully cooked, drain the water off of it and stir in pesto (it's super easy to make! So if you can do it! But right now I'm just using store bought) until noodles are coated then add tomatoes and cheese. Enjoy :)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Gangnam Style at Hesston

This is where I went to college! A hilarious version of PSY's Gangnam style put on by staff, faculty, and students around campus. Oh how I miss these guys :)

What a Wonderful Thought...

Isn't it though? :)

Friday, January 18, 2013

I'm a Paid Artist!

Hello all!

I've had some excitement this week starting with friends visiting this weekend. As usual, we had crazy-full days but had some awesome experiences! From strolling through Central Park to eating noodles from a street vendor in Chinatown, from walking on the beach at Coney Island to having a drunk guy ask to sit with my friend and telling her he just wanted to bite her... it was a classic NYC experience :)

It was great to see my friend from college again as well as meet new friends and make memories. We watched Pitch Perfect every night and listened to its soundtrack every morning - I hadn't seen it before and I'm now obsessed! Overall it was a lovely weekend and I couldn't have asked for better house guests :)

It's so fun to have extra people around! Having visitors helps me remember how fun and exciting this city I'm living in can be!

In other news, I am now a paid artist! In college, I had drawn a picture of a sunflower in a storm which actually turned out pretty good. One of my professors saw it and said it would be prefect for an award he sends out in the winter and wondered if I'd be interested in selling him the rights (he offered to buy the drawing also but I couldn't bear to part with it just yet). I said of course and today in the mail I received a sample of the award as well as a check.

It's so exciting to have your work out there, even if drawing isn't my forte or target area. I do still love it and it feels awesome to have something I've created be recognized and appreciated. And worth money :) I feel honored to have been asked to offer up my work and feel so blessed for the opportunity. And am as excited as ever to see what else God has in store for me!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Hi All!

It's been awhile since I posted a Mug Monday... Today though, I would like to share a recipe I was very excited to find: pineapple upside down cake in a mug!

I found the recipe from an awesome Taste of Home forum that has a bunch of mug recipes. Then made my own adaptations according to the inngredients I had :)

The original recipe called for a pineapple ring which would be brilliant in a mug... but I just had a can of pineapple chunks so I used that and chopped the chunks smaller and didn't have any maraschino cherries around so, although that's usually key to the presentation of pineapple upside down cake, mine was missing that. feel free to add your own though!

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

3 Tablespoons brown sugar
1 Tablespoon pineapple juice
Pineapple chunks (or a pineapple ring)
6 Tablespoons flour
2 Tablespoons sugar
1 large egg
1/8 teaspoon vanilla
2 Tablespoons butter (melted or softened)
2 Tablespoons pineapple juice

Mix the brown sugar and pineapple juice in the bottom of a mug and spread out. Drop the pineapple chunks in (I just estimated on amount, as pineapple-y as you'd like it) and microwave for 1 1/2 minutes to get the brown sugar/pineapple juice all bubbly and delicious. 

In a separate bowl, combine the flour, sugar, egg, vanilla, butter, and pineapple juice until completely blended. Pour the batter into the mug and place in the microwave for about 4 minutes.

Hold an inverted plate at the rim of the mug and flip the mug and plate over so that the cake falls onto the plate, topping side up.

Friday, January 4, 2013

My Year in Review

Happy New Year everyone!

I love journaling.


Sometimes, I get really distracted and can't write, no matter how many awesome things I have to say. I'll literally just sit, pen in hand, and stare into space, usually thinking through the words I want to write but my hand can't keep up with my mind and the words are lost....

But usually journaling is very therapeutic for me. It's how I put my thoughts together and record memories. And one of the best rewards is going back through old journals and remembering fun or hard times and seeing how God pulled me through situations that seemed earth-shattering at the time.

Some days I like to pull out an old journal and flip through to see what I was doing on that date (or around that date...) one year ago. At the end of the year, I like to flip through my journal from the past year and see how my thinking has changed or look at all the things I went through, all the fun times I had, and how things ended up. Plus, there are so many beautiful journals out there, how could you not want to write and fill it's pages?!

I usually go through one journal a year but this year was a big year for me and I went through two! Since it was such a big year I wanted to share some of the big adventures :) and hopefully encourage you to look over your year!

January: Felt real old, like an actual grown-up, turning 20!
Spent my birthday on a college visit :P but with one of my besties!
Visited home twice!
Got my first internship at Doric Concrete Vaults (designing tombstones ;)

February: Hmm lots of ups and downs in that month....

March: Spring Break! at home... it was fun though!
Dressed as Tinker Bell for Pick-a-Date
Played Cobweb (rocker fairy!) in Hesston's 80's style Midsummer Night's Dream

April: When the schedule became - class, lay out, Sonic :)
Was offered internship in Brooklyn at Resource

May: Got my helix triple pierced
Graduated from Hesston
Said goodbye to all my friends :(

June: Becca graduated!
Visited New York City for the first time.... and moved there 2 weeks later :)
Road trip to Iowa! For Jodi's wedding
Started web design internship at Resource Magazine

July: Celebrated the 4th on the roof with popcorn and chocolate covered strawberries
Used my days off to visit free museums and attractions
Saw Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh
Had my first visitors! Gingeriches
Boob Auction...

August: Started working at Hill Country BBQ Market as a hostess
Visit from Wendy!
Moved Becca to college

September: Decided to move back to Ohio at Thanksgiving.... yeah that didn't actually happen
Internship at Resource ended
Visit from EMUers

October: Started graphic design internship at
Extra time = gone (working every day)
Hurricane Sandy

November: Granny passed away - went home
Emily's wedding in Indy
Thanksgiving at Hesston!
First Black Friday shopping experience

December: Worked 60 hours every week
Home for one week at Christmas
Visitors! Mom, Dad, Becca, Grandpa

My resolution: Start a new adventure :)