Saturday, February 2, 2013

Teasing Weather


Wasn't it just 50* last week?! Yes, yes it was. And now, it's FREEZING! Literally. 27* doesn't do much to encourage me to leave the house. In fact after waking up this morning and getting all dressed and ready I turned on my white Christmas lights I have in my bedroom, made a cup of hot Toffee Almond Supreme tea and crawled back into bed with my laptop :) I'm doing work though, don't worry, it's just so much warmer and cozier under some covers!

I've been working on sprucing up my resume and looking into other options for jobs/internships/service... pretty much anything, in case things don't work out with my current internship. Applying for anything else is just such a long process, there's editing the resume plus updating my portfolio then actually writing up a cover letter and applying...

Now though, I am going to get out of bed and do a little shopping with my birthday money before work tonight :)


(Random fun fact - I don't think it really fits me but I really like it when people end a conversation or as a goodbye say "cheers!")


  1. You are right...applying for a new job is a lot of work, but don't give up. You have so many talents to share with the world! Love, Mom

  2. Thinking of you tonight-hoping you have some good books and good eats and can just stay home!
