Thursday, September 27, 2012

Last Day at Resource, First Day Off

Well, this was my last week at Resource. And really I couldn't have asked for a better one!

Monday, I took lunch by myself and walked around DUMBO, taking pictures and checking out the shops. I've done a little exploring around the area but usually with another intern so it was nice to look around leisurely and go into some of the stores where I had only window-shopped before. I really like that area of Brooklyn, of course it's the only area of Brooklyn that I've been to... But it's artsy and picturesque with cobblestone streets and cute shops. It's right by the water and more urban, so I'm told, than the rest of Brooklyn. I'll definitely be returning in the future :)

For my final project, I was creating a directory of businesses to go on the Resource website, entering a lot of information mostly and making sure everything was working and linking properly. I finished that up yesterday morning and then went through a bunch of files that I had, making sure my boss had the most updated versions of some other projects that I had worked on pieces of.

At lunchtime yesterday, four of us went out together. I broke down and got a Philly Cheese Steak sandwich at Bridge Fresh, which was the best I've had here in New York and actually a really great deal. We ate under the Brooklyn Bridge and had some great convo and lots of laughter. It made me a little sad to be leaving the other interns and also kindof wishing that that lunch could be my last, just because I enjoyed it so much.

Then, around 5, I got my wish! We all got an email saying that the office would be closed today and everyone was just to work remotely (from home). Since I had finished up what I was doing and my superior was on a photo shoot today and yesterday, I was done! We all left the office at the same time and I said goodbye to the interns as the walk over and subway allowed. By the time we were actually on the train it was just Janet and I, and with the promise of visiting and getting coffee soon, we  also parted as I transferred trains at W 4th Street.

Thus ended my time at Resource. Although there were ups and downs, I can honestly say it was an awesome experience! I learned a lot, had some great experiences, met a lot of cool people, and even made some friends through the whole thing. There was no grand exit, there never is, but I still had a pretty perfect last day. Had the office been open today, Janet and I both admitted we had planned to bring in cookies and maybe there would have been a little more recognition of the fact that someone was leaving. But I think that the way it worked out was for the best. Especially because it gave me a day off today. Which there is no way I would complain about!

Today was my first day off in 3 1/2 weeks!! It was a much-needed day to sleep in and get some stuff done around my apartment. I made banana bread-muffins, did laundry, tried some new mug recipes (get excited for next Monday!!) and did quite a bit of cleaning. All in a leisurely fashion of course with plenty of Pinterest distractions, of course :)

It's strange to think that it's over-- the very reason that I moved to New York. Now more than ever I wonder, what's next?! Only time will tell... but hopefully by the end of this week I'll know better :)


  1. Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, lookin like a fool with your pants on the ground! What does the small print on that sign say? Hehehe

    1. Haha, the small print said "No one wants to see your underwear."
